Vivid colors and smooth fonts for easily readable graphs and formulas! A collection software that will come in handy for your classes. Explore math -Powerful calculator applications with color- Color Link function makes it easy to understand relationship between graph and data. Expression of the intersection line or the coordinates of intersection. In addition, the display features a high-quality LCD panel that delivers excellent visibility and low power consumption and enables long run time of approximately hours from four AAA alkaline batteries. Students can create a wide variety of graphs over real-life visual backgrounds. fx-cg20 emulator

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Examination Mode This mode allows you to quickly prepare your calculator for exams. The calculator comes pre-loaded with visuals such as a single image still image of the curve of an arched bridge and multiple images sequential images of the rotation of windmill blades.

Beautiful Display -High resolution and Color- More than 65, colors for menu and loadable pictures. List based STAT-data editor Viewing and editing of input data in list format, showing data groups x-data, y-data, frequency and surrounding data. This can be very helpful for them to develop solution strategies. Since rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates can be displayed on the same screen, their interaction can be understood. Input expressions and arithmetic operations as they appear in written form.

Students get the possibility to visualize the most important intersections between lines, planes and spheres: Bringing real images to math -Picture Plot- Picture Plot enables users to create their own graphs over pictures displayed on the color LCD.

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More Colorful and Clear Graphic Expression. Find the point of intersection of two graphs by simply pressing the "G-Solv" key.

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Advanced Statistics Support high level statistics by 7 fx--cg20 of advanced distribution calculation. The fx-CG20 features the Color Link function, which automatically links colors specified on the spreadsheet screen with colors used in graphs to support learning of functions by enabling visual confirmation of changes in values or trends.

The result is enhanced student comprehension and improved math emulatorr efficiency. High Resolution We are choosing a model with higher definition in our non-programmable model and a higher definition model with Programmable model. Perform operations on vectors and calculate the inner product and outer product. A next-generation color model that carries on the tradition of innovation in CASIO graphic scientific calculators!

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Effective learning with 3D Graph 1 Draw and display 3D Graph Students get the possibility fmulator visualize the most important intersections between lines, planes and spheres: Simulate probability events using dice roll, coin toss,or card draw and perform statistical analysis.

Pre-installed add-in software comes installed on the calculator when you purchase it.

This function clearly indicates the calculationorder when the calculation priority sequence is ambiguous. Verify the integral value in real time while freely moving the interval using the cursor key.

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Intermediate Statistics More statistical functions such as Paired-variable statistical calculation, Quartiles and List display functions for speedy and thorough learning.

Explore the intersection coordinates, line between 3D graphs line and line, line and plane, plane and plane.

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The fx-CG20 comes with smooth, easy-to-read fonts with character definition of up to 18 x 24 dots that clearly display mathematical equations and fmulator text. Icon menu Specify the operation you want to perform by selecting an icon or inputting a number.

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Enhance your lesson plans by linking the calculator to various devices. Picture Plot enables users to create their own graphs over pictures displayed on the color LCD. Scientific Constants You can use constant symbols used in physics, science classes.

Students can view graphs from various angles, and explore the intersection between 2 objects visually by themselves.

Natural textbook display Display expression same as textbook. Vivid colors and smooth fonts for easily readable graphs and formulas! In addition, graph functions can be represented by graphs. Catalog Function 1 Select the desired command easily and quickly using the catalog function. Mimics fx-CG20 calculator operation using a computer mouse and keyboard.


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